Showing 14 Result(s)
Mom and kids
Autism Family Self-Care Special Needs Type 1 Diabetes

To The Mom Who Feels Like a Failure

My daughter absolutely despises doctor’s visits. I usually have to give her a week’s notice to mentally prepare for the anxiety a simple check-up will inflict. She recently confessed that her anxiety stems from the fear that the doctors will find something else wrong. It’s a type of PTSD she’s reliving from the time she …

Low-Carb Recipes
Food Self-Care Type 1 Diabetes

Low-Carb Meal Ideas For the Busy Mom

Switching over to a low-carb lifestyle has gifted me many positive benefits. In addition to weight loss, my skin has cleared up, my hair is no longer falling out, and best of all for my condition, I rarely experience digestive upset. Many people with autoimmune issues benefit from low-carb eating, like myself. As a parent …

Diabetes snacks
Food Self-Care Type 1 Diabetes

Our Top Diabetes-Friendly Snacks & Low-Carb Brands

Managing Type 1 Diabetes with a carb-loving vegetarian can be arduous. But, managing Type 1 Diabetes with a carb-loving vegetarian in the throes of puberty? It’s like navigating through a land-mine! When our daughter was first diagnosed 3 years ago, we thought she’d have to change her eating habits drastically. I dreaded the thought of …

New Years’ Resolutions
Self-Care Special Needs

10 New Years’ Resolutions for the Special Needs Mom and How to Actually Stick With Them

Every year, it’s the same story. You are motivated and feeling hard core on January 1st, all pumped and ready to conquer your New Years’ goals. Then, by January 5th, your motivation is weaning. Life gets in the way and you find yourself falling off the wagon barely even a week into it. You are …

Essential Oils
Autism Beauty Family Home Self-Care Special Needs

My Top Essential Oils for Special Needs

If you aren’t familiar with the Essential Oil craze by now, it’s a sign that you might have been living in a cave the last few years. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that are made from steaming or pressing various parts of a plant to produce a fragrance, which can then be used for …


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